space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


up & running

well, i said it would take a week or so to get this done, but, well, i need my diary - so i've stayed up tonight working on it.
i dunno if any of my old regular readers will be coming here. i didn't really send out any notice of my move or give any reasons for why this had to happen, but if you're smart enough to have figured out that i moved here, then i guess you're reading this, and i owe you a huge apology (i think). i'm sorry for worrying anyone or etc. you know what i mean. it's just been really hectic and crazy lately. i moved - a week ahead of schedule. i had to quit my job and scurry and scramble along to pack. i've had some great (i guess) emotional distress, and i've dealt with that and i don't really feel like writing about that and well that's just part of the problem and and and and . . .
let's just say that this time around there will be a lot more anonymity regarding myself and the people i know. in fact, i'm not sure if i'm even going to share this thing with the people i'm actually acquainted with in 'real' life.
i guess we'll see about that in the future, but for now, this is top secret stuff when it comes to those people (heh).

anyways, i'm glad to be back and writing. it's a good thing.

i went in today to get stuff sorted for my re-hire at my old job. there's this new girl named amy working there. i was doing some paper work, and she came in the store, and we introduced ourselves. then she asked me if i was in this apartment building called the residences yesterday, and i was, and then it hit me. as i was walking into david's building yesterday, this girl was standing by the coke machine, and as i walked by she asked if i had a dime to spare. i did. i gave her the dime and didn't really think much about it - until today when i saw her at work and found out that she's my new co-worker.
strange stuff.
oh, and also, she's only here for a couple more weeks - that's when she goes back to chattanooga, which is where i was for the summer.
so now we play the ol' switch-a-roo.

4:05 a.m. - 2001-08-04


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