space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


just because i don't care doesn't mean i don't understand

peter lisowitz knows exactly what the hell i've been talking about.



i live in an old, historical (as the neighborhood snobs like to put it) house. my two roommates and i rent the upstairs floor from this retired professor (he owns the house, and his girlfriend lives on the first floor). at the moment, they have contracted some people to come do improvements to the outside of the home. this has been going on for a week, so it shouldn't have been such a shock for me when i was awakened this morning by serious, loud pounding on my windows,
but still, i mean, wtf, man (a la the dude)???
i'm like twenty feet off of the ground up here; i never would have expected this shit so early in the morning (okay, actually, it was around eleven a.m., but it's my day off. c'mon).
anyways, the main contractor is this lady that sounds completely like a man, a scary, scary man, and she was hanging out of colin's window across the hall talking to the guys (who were down on the ground, i guess), so, uhh, i was extra shocked to hear this grizzled, fucked up talking coming from the next room.
it's needless to say that it took me a while to figure out just what the hell was going on this morning with all the banging and the fucked up horror movie dialogue.


i'm kind of pissed about the whole situation. they've been recruiting keith to help out. i mean, they pay him and everything, but he lives here. we pay rent, and with the rent, they are supposed to provide us with a sound place to live. when the sewage line got all screwy about a month ago, i think they were kind of pushing it by asking him to go and help dig through our shit. i think that should be at least one luxury of renting - that you don't have to mow lawns, that you don't have to do the up-keep on the outside of the house, and that you don't have to clean up the house sewage.



today i reserved quite a bit of time to read some stuff on javascript, and i have to say, that stuff's really fucking difficult for me to grasp. just when i think i'm starting to understand certain parts, i realize that, no, i don't understand any of it.
. . . so when i went to meet up with mark tonight, he started talking about the javascript class that he's taking (the class that i'd love to take but can't because i'm always working during classtime). he said that the guy who's teaching the class told them all today that it's great that they're trying to learn it all and stuff, but the great difficulty of it all just goes to show you that you should steal the script from other people instead of trying to learn it, i.e. you should just look up the source code on some site that you think looks good, and then, copy that,
which i have done. in fact, i think that's basically how i taught myself html,
but i really do want to learn javascript - fully learn it the best i can 'cos i can copy anything, but that doesn't mean i'll understand what i'm copying.
. . so for now i'm reading out of this book, and it's all very frustrating.




1:53 a.m. - 2001-10-10


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