space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


survey says

this is a little something i filled out last week. funny how answers change. i would have filled this out with completely different answers if i had done it a year ago. even still, i'm reading over it now, a week after i did it, and i'm gagging over some of my answers. i guess it's a good thing that my entire being can't be summed up by one survey. i'm just way too complicated, way too comlicated (haha, yeah right). i remember when i was in high school and i thought that my friends and i were old souls. old souls. we were all way too complicated and too old and wise for our own good.
yeah, that's right. we were all morons.
morons who smoked a lot of pot,
but sometimes now i wish i could have a little bit of that confidence back. lately i feel like such a child.... with all the wrong answers under my belt.

1.Do you like pickled eggs? no, at least i don't think so, but they've always made me very curious . . . kind of like pickled feet, only a little less revolting, but then again pickled anything would be like pickled eggs...... i've got nothing.
2.Name as it appears on your birth certificate: leslie ann ********
3.Nickname: lesles, lellie, fart blossom, lester loo, les
4.Parents names: richard and roberta
5.How old are you? 20 . . . 21 in 18 days.
6.Are you tall or short? for a man or for a woman.. i'm average. i think... 5'5"
7.Pets: no. i wish.
8.Eye color: brown
9.Hair color: black, or dark dark dark dark dark brown. i won't accept that it's black sometimes 'cos when i wear black it looks brown. so poo on all you naysayers.
10.Piercing: two holes in each ear, though i have a pretty bad skin reaction to certain metals sometimes, and i can't afford to buy expensive jewelry, so the holes stay empty most of the time.
11.How much do you love your job? on any given day, i could stand on the highest mountain and scream out to the world about how much i really hate my job; on other days, it's not that bad - even kind of neat, really. love-hate relationship. vicious circle.
12.Best gift you've received: nothing's coming to mind...... don't i sound like an ungrateful little bastard. i guess it would be the old computer i used to have. my mom and stepdad gave it to me for my birthday one year. it wasn't the best piece of hardware, but it sparked this insane obsession with computers that i'll probably have for the rest of my life.
13.Where were you born? clarksville, tn
14. Song that makes you cry or gets you emotional: i don't really cry at songs. ooh, how boring.
15.Been in love? yes, i think so, but i think you might have to check with me in a few years 'cos i'm still waiting for the thunderbolt... and well, if that happens, then the answer would be "no" for now and "yes" for then (in a few years) ..... i guess i'm saying that i don't know what love is.... maybe... or maybe i was disappointed with love? then i guess i wasn't in love afterall. hmm.. let me think about this some more.
16.Been to Africa? no
17.Been toilet papering? yes
18.Loved somebody so much it made you cry? i don't know (see #15)
19.Been in a car accident? yes
20.what happened to 20?
21.Sprite or 7 UP? sprite.
22.Favorite Movie: four weddings and a funeral . . sorry if this doesn't live up to your movie snob standards. actually, no, i'm not sorry. this movie is awesome. it just makes me feel good. i like the bumbbling british idiot character meeting the mysterious american character. (this favorite changes daily, mind you)
23.Favorite Holiday: it used to be thanksgiving. i think that's gonna change this year.
24.Favorite day of the week: i've always been fond of thursdays, and i've said this before, but i think it goes back to the days of the week that my mom had off from work.. back then it was thursdays.... yeah.. thursday.
25.Favorite word or phrase: "i don't know what you're talking about."
26.Favorite Toothpaste: crest whitening tartar control extra cleaning multicare mint gel ???.. or whatever is on sale?
27.Favorite Restaurant: teddy's in clarksville, but it's been so long since i've been home that i don't know if teddy's even exists anymore.
28.Favorite Flower: yellow roses
29.Favorite Drink: jim beam, cherry 7-up (cherry sprite?? oh wait, they don't make that)......... though not mixed together.. that would be a nasty combo.
30.Favorite Sport to watch: i like to watch xtreme anything i guess... just to see the guys fall and hurt stuff . . . not a great lover of sports; although, i think i could really get into a soccer game if i lived in brazil. also watching that hockey game last year was awfully fun.
31.Preferred type of ice cream: strawberry cheesecake. yummy.
32.Favorite Sesame Street Character: oscar
33.Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: wendy's
34.When was your last hospital visit: a couple of years ago. i was having some pretty bad headaches for a while...
35.What color is your bedroom carpet? many different shades of brown... what were my landlords thinking when they installed industrial grade brown carpet in our apartment??? i guess they were hoping we'd have many rug burns .. just don't fall asleep or roll around on that shit if you're wearing a t-shirt. tough on the elbows.
36.How many times did you fail your permit or drivers test? never
37.Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? my mom
38.Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? target
39.What do you do most often when you are bored? this. computer stuff.
40.Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest: i think that would be jonathan out in colorado; i hope i'm not forgetting someone (not counting my cousin in honolulu).
41. Most annoying thing? liars
42. Bedtime? 2-3'ish
43. Who will respond to this the quickest? no one (you snots; you all think you're above this sort of thing)
44. Favorite gemstone: i like diamonds, but i must say my favorite gemstone is where i work (you have to know me to understand that one)
45. Favorite all-time TV show: twin peaks
46. Last person you went out to dinner with? mark
47. Last Movie you saw: a&e's pride and prejudice
48. Favorite Music: anything by pulp. i like lots of types of music, but for some reason, most of it comes from the u.k.
49. What CD is in your player right this second: bran van 3000 glee
50. What is your deepest fear? dying disappointed
51. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: all of you (you twats)
52. What celebrity did you have a crush on when you were little and now you are embarrassed: umm, when i was really little.... neil diamond. yeah, i know. that's some fucked up stuff.
53. Have you ever been into a fist fight: no.
54. What celebrity annoys you the most: mandy patinkin
55. Favorite type of food: japanese? maybe.. i dunno. i like all food.
56. Something you really like about yourself: my sense of color and design
57. Coke, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper: coke
58. Last funny thing that you remember laughing about: the clip of that naked black man coming out of that chest...his big booty up in the air, trying to cover his junk. this was on leno.. we don't know what he was doing... it was kind of a you-had-to-be-there type of thing.
59. Most embarrassing moment: actually, nothing too embarrassing has happened to me... at least nothing that was so bad that i remember it happening. so, um, sorry to disappoint you. i'm really not that interesting.
60. Favorite cartoon: smurfs (joel's right; the simpsons don't count in this category)

1:44 a.m. - 2001-11-08


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