space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


cat in the hat

have you ever been here?
maybe not.
a few days ago i was looking at some of the merchandise that ot-to has up for sale, and i found this.
so okay. yeah. the greycat hat was just too much for me to resist.
i saw it, and i wanted it. i saw it, and i didn't want to pay forty dollars for it.
i decided to make my own.
yes, in a way i kind of feel guilty. i took someone else's idea and put it to use for myself.
shame, shame.
yesterday, i went out and bought the yarn, and before i went to bed last night, i had already crocheted a pair of cat ears. this afternoon i began to construct the rest of the hat, and with a little trial and error and the great disability of having no pattern, i was able to come up with something quite similar to the hat on ot-to. i finished up sewing on the cat ears tonight while keith and i were doing laundry. these two crusties were in there doing laundry, too. i was sitting near the door sewing on the second ear, and the guy stopped and said,
"is that a mouse hat?"
"no, it's supposed to be a little cat hat."
"wow. i think it's really groovy,"
he said.
"yeah, it looks really cool,"
said his crusty girlfriend.
they reeked of pot.
there was another couple there doing laundry tonight. they took up 13 dryers. i counted. 13. i have nothing else to say about this, but christ, that's a lot of fucking laundry.
anywho, the cat hat is finished. i think it's turned out okay.

what do you think?

i'm listening to fantastic plastic machine. courtesy of clay. well not actually from clay, but it is because of clay that i have decided to download about, oh, let's say, 35 tracks of fantastic plastic machine's music.

i've been drinking beer and balancing my check book.

i'm on beer no. 5,

and i'm officially poor;

although, i think that is something that has been official for quite some time now.

"maybe he's a moron,"
colin just had a realization about david.
my goodness.
"liberace. shit."

officially, we're drunk.

there are times when i feel the most comfortable that i have ever felt in my entire life.
there are times when i am so nervous. so nervous, i sweat.
so afraid of saying the wrong things and ... sitting the wrong way.

the first night we met, i wrote on the white board,
"i've met the man i'm going to marry."
keith says,
"then it will probably happen."

2:25 am - Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2002


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