space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


midnight express lube

so tomorrow i have to take my car into the shop. yes, this is the same car that i just purchased less than a month ago. yes, this car already had the coolant leak before i bought it. yes, i am a stupid girl. i have no idea how long it's going to take them to fix it, and i have to be at work tomorrow at 5 p.m., so when i scheduled the appointment, i was like, "give me the earliest time you have." big mistake. i have to be there at nine. "nine!? big deal!" you say, but i'm over this waking up before ten stuff. i just want two weeks where i don't have to get up for anyone at any particular time. that's all i want. after two months of this grueling waking up at the crack of dawn shit, i just want out. i have better things to do, but that's life for everyone, i guess. mark is right; i don't understand why all businesses have to be conducted between prime daylight hours, either. i want to move to a community that operates at night. one with a mechanic's shop that will repair my car between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 a.m.

yes, it's absurd. i know.

i'm watching some trading spaces that clay has recorded for me. i've seen all these episodes already, but when i'm looking for background noise, i just pop in one of the tapes. i mentioned earlier how we played balderdash the other night. what i didn't mention was how it was easy for everyone to pick out which definitions were mine - almost every single false definition i wrote had to do with some sort of furniture or decorative element. i tried to come up with different meanings, but every time i tried, something having to do with interior design would pop into my head. it's a sign. i should press the stop button and watch something else.

good to be back to my old meaningless blabber.

the interview yesterday went well, and by the end of the session, the manager i interviewed with was telling me that she would definitely recommend me for the job. it was a good feeling. i should know for sure by next week.

1:10 am - 07.03.02


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