space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


two job woman

some more engrish. this one came from the warning label from the bottom of my computer chair.

a woman screamed at me today because i couldn't order the shirt she wanted. it was no longer available. i'm sorry, but if you let the availability of a shirt ruin your entire day, then your mental state is questionable.

working at the video store has also been making me a bit uneasy lately. [brace yourself for another one of leslie's rants on the topic of videostore-dom.] seems like i pick up a new card-carrying member to my fanclub on a daily basis. no no, i'm not bragging. and no, i'm not a goddess to be looked upon. these are just lonely men who hit on any female in retail that just happens to smile at them. so i'm nice and courteous.. hey, that is my job, and like i've said before, that does not mean i want to go out to dinner or a movie or give anyone a blow job. i get six dollars an hour and all the free movie rentals i want just to show some teeth and offer assistance, and six dollars is hardly enough to compensate for all of the freak ass losers that frequent my store, but i do it anyway. why? because i'm addicted to free movie rentals and i need the extra cash, but lately, things have just gotten a little too freaky, and i am worried. i don't feel comfortable closing the store anymore, and i certainly don't feel like walking out to my car, alone, at one in the morning. not anymore. what do i say to a scary, middle-aged, scraggly and unkept man who's renting porno when he says, "so are you closing the store all by yourself tonight?" what do i say?? i don't know. maybe it's the media that puts the fear into me. maybe its the abundance of freaks in this world. either way, i'm scared. clay thinks that it's time i just work one job, and that one job is not the videostore. we'll see.

my friend needs a girlfriend. here's a picture:

he is a vegetarian, and he likes punk, good movies, rollerblading (or "inline skating", as clay says, whichever, who cares, he says i'm showing my ignorance, whatever that means). my friend has two kittens, and he's just graduated with a degree in advertising. he's about to go back to school for web design stuff. he's a really nice guy. he has blue eyes, sometimes green. he likes to read. he likes girls with cool hair, and he lives in the knoxville area. if you would like to meet this man or just know more about him, please email me. oh, and if you would like to see a better picture, just ask. i will try to get one.

4:26 pm - 08.05.02


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