space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


let's talk about the weather

i'm tired of people using the weather as an excuse to make small talk. it's not like we're all still living in the age of victoria, and the only appropriate topic to discuss is the rain. my stepmother used to send me cards in the mail. they were never sincere inquiries of my well being or interesting accounts of her life. instead, they were short jots of small talk about the weather in clarksville, tennessee. even in a greeting card she was too nervous to address me in any manner other than stupid small talk about the fucking heat or rain or fog or whatever the fuck was going on in the front yard. this sort of mindless blabber has really started to bother me.

i was standing in front of the coffee machine at work, and a co-worker turned to me and said, "are you havin' fun yet?" now, first of all, i hate this phrase. i absolutely cannot stand it. i don't know if it's a southern thing, but why do people in professional situations insist on breaking the ice with this horrible question? no, i am not having fun. i am at work. work is not fun, so the obvious and permanent answer to this question is, "no." then there's no need to ask the fucking question in the first place. normally, i end the conversation right there. i end it without even starting it, but for some reason i gave in this time and went on with it. and guess, just guess what the next filler question was in this exchange of small talk. in between the pouring of coffee into my mug and the silent pause that occurred while he waited patiently behind me, he said, "oh boy, i'm just praying for some rain." it was a typical break room chat. i nodded and promptly ran away. why? why all of this stupid talk about the fucking weather? it's summer now. it's hot. yes, we could use a little rain. i know, and i've known this for the past 21 summers of my life. i don't care anymore. it's not like i'm farming crops in kansas. i'm sitting in a fucking cubicle in front of a computer screen 40 hours out of the week. trust me, the weather is not affecting me.

i now spend my fifteen minute breaks in front of the computer. i'd rather read celebrity gossip on pagesix than discuss things that are pointless. not like my words don't go in one ear and out of the other.

12:55 am - 08.28.02


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