space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


xxx stuff

today at work i shrink wrapped weapons of ass destruction. methinks that if i were the type to go out and buy porno, my point of purchase would have to be the title. also, party in my ass - yet another brilliant title.

speaking of porn, at the video store we get tons and tons of applications. we're actually owned by a big corporate piece of shit [they acquired us through a buy-out], but everyone thinks we're this really neat independent video store because we got to keep our old name. this explains the massive amounts of applications. people want to work at a fucking empire records or something. they're all really eager, until they get hired and realize that, yes, there is a dress code, and yes, you actually have to do work. anywho, i was going through the stack of applications the other day, and the one on the top was from this girl who was actually going ot get hired. she had a very familiar name, but i couldn't quite figure out where i knew it. then it hit me. she's a friend of my old roommate. they used to act in plays together at the university. one time i went to one of these plays. in the audience was this man. i leaned over to my friend and pointed to the man, "do you see that guy over there? he's come into the store every single day this week to rent porn. two, three a day. pervy, eh?" and then we watched the play. at the end of the show, we went back stage to see my roommate who was in the play. there, we also saw the pervy man hugging on the girl, the girl who later turned in the application, and then i realized.. eww! he's her father! ewwww. later that night, my roommate had a party, and the girl was there. i just kept thinking about her filthy sex starved dad. so that was about a year ago. today was her first day at the video store. i'm waiting for her to figure out that you can look up other people's rental records. soon enough she'll see her dad's. that will be fun. maybe she'll feel really sick and dirty. maybe she already knows. who knows.

life moves in weird circles around here. everybody knows everybody.

7:27 pm - 02.05.03


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