space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


the day after v-day

i'm using mark's fancy laptop computer. well, i guess it's not really fancy, but i don't have one, so that's what probably makes it fancy for me. by the way, fancy ketchup? what is that? why is that? fancy? i've always wondered this and have always meant to look this up on the wwwdot, but i haven't ever gotten around to doing this. i guess i'll figure this mystery out when i'm finished typing this here entry. ..... i just typed "this here." how country is that?

my ketchup is fancy.

the local news here is so fucking depressing. i'd elaborate, but i'm sure everyone's local news is so fucking depressing. there's no need in that case.

oh, and... "i tell you what!". .. what is that? this is probably yet another southern phrase, but what does it mean? for instance, my mom says this phrase; she says it like she's making a deal (making an offer, as mark just said as he's watching me type this entry) she says it like, "i tell you what - if you get your room cleaned (like when i was ten years old), then we can go shopping later." .. i tell you what. but other people, like a big country bastard in a bar might say, "i tell you what - if you don't stop getting in my fucking way while i'm sittin' here trying to watch this here show, i'm going to shove this here bar stool up your ass!" i tell you what. there's a woman at work. she says, "i tell you what - if your package doesn't arrive by tomorrow, you should give us a call back." i tell you what. still, i don't know what it means.

alrighty then.

"his life is killing him."

so we had a wonderful valentine's. chicken florentine. chianti. ravioli. dimly lit. small tables. flowers waiting. chocolates. and strawberries. sonic. a new dress. ribs. sauce. soju. the spanish apartment. warm. hott. yes. how was yours?

i'm just typing to type. free write.

the mister says, "hi."

we went to barley's tonight to see robinella. i commented on how lucky, and very grateful, i am to be able to see such a sight on a sunday night in my hometown. i used to complain about how boring things were. i was wrong. that was a long time ago.

as always there were more things i wanted or should write about, but i either don't remember or don't have the time to delve into such things right now. like anyone gives a bother. goodnite. i have to pee now.

11:03 pm - 02.15.04


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