space-oddity's Diaryland Diary



this is not a proper update.

3:23 am - 05.25.02



i went to dollywood today. my first, and probably only, time going. i had funnel cakes. i had candy apples. i had wet jeans. i had country music. i had dolly. i had dinner at a buffet. the day was a complete celebration of hillbilly. everything but the corncob toilet paper.

9:04 pm - 05.16.02



you are my friend. you are special. special.

6:19 pm - 05.15.02



what do you think about a volkswagen jetta?

5:04 pm - 05.15.02


getting better

okay. someone got to my page today by clicking on a link from wuzimon's guestbook. i decided to go check it out, being that i've never been to wuzimon's guestbook, and whoa! i see that i, in fact, have signed his guestbook. hold on a sec. no no no. someone pretending to be me has signed his guestbook. what the fuck?
"I can't wait until Moby's album comes out on the 14th. He's just great. Nice site."
i would never type something like that. i don't even really like moby. i know. oooh. shame. anywho, why do people do this? i could understand it if this mystery person secretly disliked me and wuzimon with a passion and had typed something like, "dear wuzimon, i hope you die die die die die die die, and i hope your teeth rot rot rot rot rot rot rot, and i hope you .. [etc.]," with the hopes of striking up some kind of fight between the two of us strangers, but as far as i can tell, there seems to be no hate and no malice oozing from the mysterious guestbook entry. very strange. very strange.
work is getting better. yes. thank god. when i went in today, there was some mail waiting for me on the counter. an envelope from the district manager. i thought, "good god, what now?" but instead i was pleasantly surprised to find that inside was a cute little greeting card, just letting me know that he's only a phone call away. it was a wonderful gesture. just when you're completely convinced that the corporate world is big sack of cold, slimy shit, they have to go and change your mind. thank you, kevin. like clay's been saying all along, things will get better. they have to. nowhere else to go but up.
speaking of clay, his birthday is saturday. i'll be working saturday night, so most likely we'll be celebrating on sunday. i really wish i hadn't been so busy this past week or so; it hasn't left me with much time to get ready. there are so many things that i'd like to do. we'll see. he's so important. he deserves something spectacular.

11:53 pm - 05.09.02



clay says i talk in my sleep.

2:26 am - 05.09.02


blog blog

okay. i've resisted the temptation for far too long. i'm turning this into weblog style. i think it will go better with the new design i've been working on, working on but obviously haven't finished. when will it be finished? fuck me if i'll ever know.

2:25 am - 05.09.02


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