space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


fullscreen should die.

we have a new kitty. she doesn't have a name yet. we're thinking.

i was working at the video store today. i was thinking about all of the videos and dvd's that come out with fullscreen versions. fullscreen is shit, and the people who prefer full screen are shit, too. we get these jerks that come in all the time; they accidently rent the widescreen version of godzilla or something, and they go fucking nuts.
"errrr, i like took this tape home last night, and errr, it's like broken or something. it don't work on the top and the bottom. looks like someone cut the tape off of both sides. all i see are these black lines, and i can't see the whole picture."
"that's because it's the widescreen version, sir."
"yes, widescreen, letterboxed, you know, not formatted to fit your television screen. the original version that was shown at the movie theatre."
"no, i don't think you understand me. the tape is broken. i can't watch this."
"okay, then let me find your stupid ass a fullscreen version because you're a fucking moron."
i mean, someone, someone please! please tell these people that fullscreen is bad. please tell them that it cuts away at their favorite parts of the movie. tell them that pan&scan sucks it. tell them that they're not getting their money's worth if they buy into fullscreen. tell them that they're doing an injustice to art when they prefer full over wide, if they know what that means. robert deniro! please help! maybe these bastards would listen to robert deniro. mr. deniro could make a short announcement before the beginning of all movies. all he has to do is show a before and after shot of a widescreen picture turned into a fullscreen picture, and then say something like, "so don't be a schmuck. watch the fucking picture in widescreen already!" people wouldn't say no to him. something has to be done. every copy of lotr: fellowship that we have, dvd or video, is on fullscreen. that movie in fullscreen is the biggest load of horseshit. they should not have ever even made a full version.

8:58 pm - 09.18.02


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