space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


harriet carter

not unlike millions of americans, i, too, have become addicted to catalogs, and if you're familiar with the catalog system, that is the system of one mail order company selling your address to another in order to make a small profit, then you are also familiar with the kind of shit that will start appearing in your mailbox. i'm talking about some real shit. i received this catalog in the mail yesterday. it's like walking into an everything's a dollar store except there isn't one thing that's priced under five bucks. this is a gadget catalog. this includes items like the deluxe pancake set, the iron that promises to make the perfect pancake every time [as seen on t.v.], and the walker organizer, a simple "wipe-clean plastic" organizer consisting of a series of pockets made to fit over an elderly or disabled person's walking device with storage compartments handy enough to carry tv remote controls and/or medication. in this catalog, one may also find novelty items, such as t-shirts with slogans like "at my age 'getting lucky' is finding my car in the parking lot," - only $12.98, and that isn't the worst of it. instead of including real photos for a lot of the items, the manufacturer will display only a drawing of the item, so instead of seeing a real picture of the glow-in-the-dark toilet seat, you'll see a drawing of two dimly lit people standing in a bathroom staring at a roughly drawn toilet seat which appears to be glowing. what? was the camera broken that day, guys? i mean, what the fuck is going on here? this drawing doesn't make me want to buy a damn thing. i just want to sit and ask, "what's wrong with these people, and why do they look so damn happy to have this funny looking wire shoved up their noses?" riiiight. why would i want to buy a drawing of a big, ugly cat crawling through a furry cheerio? why? right. i wouldn't.

this is just one more thing on top of a bunch of other things that makes me feel that there's something very wrong with us.

3:37 am - 01.04.03


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