space-oddity's Diaryland Diary



i was working the receptionist's desk at work tonight and was bored to tears 'cos it's not like there's much to do on sunday nights. i started to snoop around a bit, looking for something interesting to read. i came across a pamphlet on women and heart disease. inside there was a sort of checklist concerning ten signs of heart attacks. there were the usual descriptions of chest pain, sharp pains in the arm, and dizziness, and etc. i kept reading, thinking, "yep. uhuh. yep. sounds like i've got heart disease," 'cos, i mean, when you read those lists, pretty much all of those things have happenened to every person at least once in their lifetime. so i kept reading and finally i got to number ten.

"10. Sense of impending doom."

that's absolutely crazy. sense of impending doom!!! like, are you experiencing a sense of impending doom? because, if you are, you may be suffering from heart disease. ?!? yeah, i carry a sense of impending doom around with me everyday because i'm poor, and i worry about not making rent or buying food or raising enough money to put my ass back in school. i feel i'm doomed to die in a horrible car crash or that my cat's doomed to die a painful death. we're going to die, and if you fear that kind of thing, you know, death, then i guess you're doomed as well. it's going to happen. no sense of doom. it is a fact.

i think they interview heart disease survivors after they've had the big life changing heart attack, and they all go, "i knew something awful was going to happen. my worries grew bigger with each day." then the doctors go, "mmhmm," and they scribble impending sense of doom on their clip boards. of course they felt doomed. watching the news makes you feel doomed. scientists are now saying that eggs increase risks for heart disease. .. scientists have a new study showing that mixing your peanut butter with the grape jelly to make a weird stupid gray paste and then eating it will cause heart attacks. .. scientists say not having enough sex will weaken your heart. .. they say being fat and lazy will cause heart attacks. .. scientists say every american is fat and lazy. .. scientists say your mom is gay. .. they say.. scientists say.. scientists have proven that babies are now being born with their arteries already clogged, you fat mcdonald's-eating bastards.

yeah, we're doomed.

before i started typing this, i had been crocheting for a couple of hours, and my fingers are feeling all tired and funny and stuff. i'm going to quit typing now.

12:35 am - 03.17.03


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