space-oddity's Diaryland Diary



i jogged five miles today. this is a milestone.

also, i'm being double charged for my diaryland gold membership. when it came time to renew the ol' membership, i decided to pay for a full year up front through paypal. before the renewal, i was paying monthly with my credit card. the money was automatically taken from my account. and now.. now i'm still being charged monthly even though i've already paid for a year. i've emailed, and no one has answered back. it's just $3.50... but it's happened twice already. i'm sure andrew's busy and all, but this is crap. bah.

i hate this layout. i look at it now, and i think it's so self-absorbed and over the top. it's shit, really, and it's not even that funny. i'd like to bust out one of the old [good] layouts, maybe one of the horizontal scroll designs i used to have, but i keep on forgetting that my computer crashed a while back, and i don't have the code anymore. i keep on saying, "like dude, you need to copy that shit onto a disc or something." "yeah, dude. i know." "yeah." "i'll do it later."... and then i never do it. and then my fucking computer is a piece of shit and dies and then bye bye everything. i just don't have the time or the energy to sit down and create something new. i'd like to do something right now, but i'm fucking cranky and tired and i have to fucking wake up six hours from now to take clay's car to the shop.

it is a sad thing that the style network is one of the main channels that my fingers have programmed into their memories.

i talked to my mom today. i haven't seen her in almost a year, and i miss her very much. my mom's a really cute little lady; she's very petite. she giggles at everything and wears flipflops. i want to grow up to be like her, only taller.

i need to get ready for bed.

i jogged five miles today.

1:10 am - 04.21.03


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