space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


sick at home

feeling very rough today. called in sick.

if you're going to a place that sells drugs, such as wal-mart, walgreens, etc, would you be so kind as to come pick my ass up, so i can purchase some meds. i'd drive myself, but it's a shitty rainy day, and i'm too lazy to bother with it.

also, i need q-tips and shaving gel. i need groceries, too, but i'm not really hungry, so those can wait for later.



11:18 am - 09.22.03


mike the maintenace man

mike the maintenance man just stopped by to help me route my cable through my walls, so i won't have to trip over the wires crisscrossing all over my floors anymore. he's really not supposed to be helping me drill holes through my walls. i don't think the terms of my lease condone this. but he's a nice guy with cool sailor-type tattoos up and down his arms. he has a shaved head, and he has a white goatee. and he just likes to help out whenever he can. i don't really know him. he just shows up sometimes and says he's here to fix my window or whatnot.. and while he's here, he offers to help out with other things, too. the kindness of strangers. it's nice.

i had a chocolate brownie with raspberry cream when i went to lunch with tiffany today. good god, it was heaven. i wish i had another. i'd give it to mike. i think he likes to be paid with sweets.

4:16 pm - 09.19.03


diet cherry

yes. diet cherry 7up. sun is shining. but it's not hot. windy. not tired. the last day of my work week. my friday. made an 'a' on my lit paper. busy. but comfortable. yes. it's good.

2:31 pm - 09.18.03


say when

never feels like i am enough.

3:19 am - 09.17.03


quad negative

"i don't no never mind none of that." - one of the temps at work.


9:23 pm - 09.16.03


windows closed

i was freezing, and i had to get up out of bed last night to shut my windows. normally this would be a complete nuisance, and i'd be really pissed about having to get up from sleep to do physical labor (my windows are big, and they are old, and they are a complete bitch to deal with), but i'm happy with the seasons changing, so no real complaints here.

today, the wind is brisk, and it feels good in my hair.

rant. dear lady-who-works-the-counter-at-the-shitty-campus-starbucks, thank you for so gruffly refusing my business when i tried to pay with my check card on a purchase that was less than ten dollars. also, thank you for failing to tell me that i could have written a check instead, and thank you for making me stand in that long fucking line again after i witnessed the girl who had been standing behind me whip out her check book. oh, and thanks for being a bitch, yet again, on that second time around. you rock. you really do. /rant.

i'm surviving on two and one half hour's sleep today. i'm not crabby, no. i just have too many things that i need to do, and they are nowhere near the list of things that i want to do.

eating lunch alone.

2:08 pm - 09.16.03


getting colder

good grief. such a gloomy day. it's been dying to rain all day, but nothing ever happened, and now, just now when the sun's about to go down, it starts to shine. .. but this shouldn't even matter to me 'cos i've been sitting all day in a little grey cubicle in front of a computer. bah.

i'm wearing a hoodie today. it feels like fall. my fingers are freezing, mainly from the insane amount of air-conditioning this office abuses/misuses, but i like to pretend that it is because it's getting cooler outside.

my weekend was a keeper. i'll write about it when i have more time. now i have to go find dinner in the vending machines.

6:52 pm - 09.14.03


jack tripper

jack tripper, i loved you. you became one of my first ever crushes when i used to watch three's company with my father, sitting on our black leather couch with the green afghan my grandmother had crocheted draped over me. i'll miss you mr. ritter. thank goodness for re-runs. i always laughed when you tripped over the couch.

11:04 am - 09.12.03


faggy retards

"the stutz family of cleveland, tn consists of a bunch of useless, faggy retards. but their daughter is easy! and so is their grand . ."

just something i noticed in my lit class today. it was written on the back of the seat in front of me. ahh, college! we're all so smart here.

why is it that i feel so accomplished after i find the book that i need in the university library stacks? hey, leslie, is it because it's a fucking labyrinth and makes no sense? why, yes. yes, that's right.

still eating the frosted flakes.

2:49 pm - 09.11.03


ten things

ten things i'm all about lately?

burt's bees hand salve. my hair being up. wearing my hair-band-thingy wrapped around my index finger. 4 a.m. family ties. taking my pants off. guys named mark. burritos accompanied by margaritas. walking to walgreens. vince giraldi. skirts.

12:37 am - 09.10.03


sorority voice

the throaty girl with the husky voice is always the loudest at the party. she feels she's an original. people just make fun of her when she's not around.

2:35 pm - 09.09.03


that fucker burned

the old house behind my apartment has been ruined ever since a fire engulfed its center a few months ago. the police have tried to lock up the place with keep-out signs and barricades made of plywood. yet the kids still come over to check out the scene. every night i hear beer bottles smashing from inside the house and endless chatting from out back. .. and i don't really know where i'm going with this story right now. i guess it's that the constant supply of drunk strangers milling about my dark open windows kind of freaks me out. just a little.

3:53 am - 09.09.03



okay, so far only one person has responded to my friendster question, and when he added me as his friend, i went from having 30 people in my personal network to having 28,634 people in my personal network. good god, dave! that's a whole lotta friends. yikes.

i also added a little snippet down at the bottom here about postcards. i am serious, guys. getting bids from swappingtons just takes way too long, and as the site becomes flooded with too much crap, i have to get more and more creative with my postcard swap presentations, like i basically have to offer free sex in the header in order to get anyone to look at my posts. that ain't no joke, yo. also, mark brought me back a gazillion postcards from his trip to korea, and i'd like to send them to some nice folks.

oh, and i figured out a way to get around the broken webcam problem. no thanks to anyone else. bah!


12:14 pm - 09.08.03


fall design

okay, so i got restless a little while ago and decided to bring back last year's fall design. i just had to tweak it a little, and tada! yes, it's almost 4:30 in the ayem. i should have been working on the merlin project for my lit class or something more productive than this. but here it is. i go to sleep now. not just for play. but for real. but before i go, are any of you on friendster?

4:19 am - 09.08.03



people are smoking cigarettes out on the stairwell. i can hear them talking, and i can smell their smoke. for the first time in a very long while i felt genuinely lazy. i reclined in front of the television and zoned out while i watched tlc and ate frosted flakes straight out of the box. sloth-dom. finding enjoyment in anything but work, i wore pigtails on my head and walked around the apartment with a slight bounce in my step, so as to feel the volume of my hair. thinking up lists and what to accomplish. number such-and-such. now you will come to me instead of me to you. number so-and-so. 'cos i am through bending over backwards. i am no contortionist. i'm not even a member of the circus.

1:59 am - 09.08.03



quick! everybody check out a certain mister has had his submission accepted to the site - a royally superb display of fine photos. yes, really.

so my weekend went very well. spent staring into blue eyes and doing absolutely no work. you could look at it as being-wasteful, but i just see it as catching-up.

4:50 pm - 09.07.03


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