space-oddity's Diaryland Diary



i can't stop eating. one bowl of pasta. one poptart. one bag of white cheddar popcorn. one diet mountain dew. one diet dr. pepper. one bigger bag of butter popcorn. in that order. i think it's a bit obsessive that i just typed that out. i'll cross it out. like that makes any differences. what's new.

been a bit on the sad-side today. dunno why. sometimes it just turns out that way, and i can hope that tomorrow will be better, even if it's just a slight improvement from the day before. i'm not trying at this act of drama. i promise. i suppose it's only chemical.

i have to get back to work.

6:36 pm - 12.08.03


going to hawaii

sorry. it's been a while. i know. i even procrastinate when it comes to my diary. this is getting out of hand. it's like you miss a few days, a few important/interesting events, and then you're like i'll-get-to-it-later, and then more shit happens, and then it's just too much and too overwhelming to even try to sit down and type. but here i am.

i just booked a flight to hawaii. i'm going in the middle of january. that's insane. really, i think it is. i'm sitting here amazed with technology and the whatnot, how one can just click on a mouse a few times and type in a credit card number, and voila! i'll be in hawaii in one month and nine days. that is crazy, but it's the good kind of crazy. crazy like robin williams. not crazy like turrets. wait. maybe they are one of the same. no?

mom asked me what i want to do while i'm there. i said i just want to see her, and then i just want to lie on the beach. hours upon hours upon hours of lying on the beach. that is all. i don't care if i do anything else, eat/sleep/or/dream, i just want to see my mother and lie on the beach.

so i'm 23-years-old now. wee! i had a spectacular birthday. thanksgiving in memphis was a good time as well. i need to actually invest time in this tale of over-eating and high self-indulgence, but i'm just too tired and can't be bothered. perhaps in the morning.

i just wanted to give a signal. let everyone know that i haven't died. that sort of thing.

i'm going to bed.

3:27 am - 12.05.03


it's my birthday

today is my birthday.

we're going to memphis in about eight hours.

hope everyone has a swell holiday. safe and all that. yeah.

12:29 am - 11.26.03


drunken weekend part two

so there was a guy named lauuuuuderdale. he wore a check jacket with a leather notched collar. he was a short man with a balding head and a black turtleneck. he wore a sterling silver cross around his neck. we talked about korean food and some other things that i cannot remember. we were two people starved for attention, and for a few minutes we found each other. a boy with carpenter pants walked by, and i got the urge to reach over and pull his loop. loop, or at least i guess that is what you would call it, you know, the thing that holds the hammer. i gave him the carpenter-pants-are-stupid look, and he just looked puzzled. i'm thinking the carpenter-pants-are-stupid look is not yet a universal stare, but it soon will be because they are just that. stupid. i smoked clove cigarettes and thought about mark shaking his finger in shame. we had yet another conversation with stacy about the differences between the u.s and australia. luckily she doesn't mind all the questions. we're all obsessed with foreigners, especially cute ones. wished mark was there to partake. having started at around 7, i was done by midnight. tiffany drove us home. that was friday.

i have to go back to work now.

5:56 pm - 11.24.03


drunken weekend part one

sitting in mark's office typing this. doing laundry. bah. he's not here, and it's one of those moments when you just sort of look around, absorb the environment, and go who-is-this-person-?


i am recovering from a long drunken weekend. it started on thursday. friends of mark were in town, and we went for dinner and drinks, and then it was off to see the yonder mountain string band. if you know me, you know i'm not a bluegrass-y type of girl, but i can appreciate any music if it is good, and, by the way, they are good, but even still, i felt a little out of place. bluegrass. see, i can tap a foot, maybe even clap a little, but i just can't get down to bluegrass. but these kids, these crusty, no-hair-washing, hippy kids were unbelievable. stomping and yeehaw-ing and carrying on. really, i just can't get into it like that. for a minute i even felt that my actual presence at the venue was somehow cramping or compromising their style. oh, well. at least it made for great people watching.

friday. at the pres. with tiffany. good food. even better conversation. one very large bar tab. [the phone just rang. what is the proper thing to do? i mean, when you're at someone's house, and they're not at home, and the phone rings, what are you supposed to do? i didn't answer.]

and the dryer just buzzed. going to fold clothes. will finish this later.

11:19 am - 11.24.03


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