space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


my homies

i did a guest review on garden state for jeff. click yourself on over and read it, homies.

speaking of homies, we keep a homies machine at the vid, and sometimes people drive up to the store for the mere purpose of feeding that machine quarters, so they can hopefully get more homies that they do not already have. that is a little strange. i think. this one guy told me he drove up from south knoxville because someone told him that we had a machine. ? aren't these machines everywhere in the first place??? anyway, who wants to drive twenty minutes just so they can purchase a racial slur from a vending machine?

ugh, work. i have to get ready.

10:30 am - 09.23.04


bikini bottoms

i was talking to the mister tonight, and he said he was going through his backpack, and he found a pair of my bikini bottoms. haha. i don't remember putting them in there, but i guess we went hiking or camping and i put them in there thinking i'd need them, and then i just never took them out. o, well. at least part of my bikini got to go to japan. i told him he needs to wear them on his head every night when he goes to sleep. you know, for shits and giggles. i'm stupid. stupid stupid stupid. not at all funny. right.

i'm still sick with this damn cold, and i signed up for overtime at work today. yes. stupid stupid stupid. is me. me me me.

the girls at fugging it up crack me up! pay them a visit and laugh a lot. amen.

i don't say that enough.


12:26 am - 09.22.04



yesterday i spoke with a woman whose name is "babykutty" - who names their kid that? even if they do speak another language? she pronounced it as "bobbiecootie". right. okay. mark j. wants to name his kid "mr. sandals". he also wants to home-school his kids for the first few years and teach them crazy stuff, so they can go to real school later and confuse all the normal kids. for example, he'd like to teach them the pledge of allegiance; however, his version will include scat. "i pledge allegiance to the shoobie-doo-wah of the doobie-doo-bah of shoobie..." hey, notice how i wrote "normal" because your kids will be freaks, mark. freaks! they'll be fun at parties though.

okay. this is nuts. a woman found some writing in farsi scribbled in an airline magazine and alerted the crew of the airplane. they taxied back to the gate and rescheduled the flight. wtf. of course, the plane was searched, and nothing was found. i hope they quarantined her on the second flight because if i were one of the 118 passengers that had to unsuspectedly stay over-night in milwaukee instead of san francisco, which would have been the original destination, i'd have been pissed. livid! she wouldn't want to sit next to me. fo' sho.

also, lindsay lohan is overrated. overrated!!! yeah, i saw mean girls this weekend. and i laughed. but jesus, what is it with this girl? and why is she everywhere? everywhere?!? i mean, i can walk down my street and see dozens of girls that look just like her on a daily basis. and yes, i live next to a really big college campus that's teaming with sorority life, but still. what's the big deal? o. her breasts. whatever. those are overrated, too.

o! and i have a third interview for this new job. how many am i going to have? the world may never know. but seriously, no. 3 will take place on monday. yeehaw! shoobie-doo-wah!

11:29 am - 09.21.04


mrs. federline

okay, britney spears finally married kevin federline. she wore a hoodie around her waist embroidered with the words, "mrs. federline". the groomsmen wore white track suits with the word "pimp" printed on the back of their jackets. and then they all ate chicken fingers and waldorf salad. wtf. y'all, i love me a white trash wedding. i hope to see them on springer when brit confesses that she's been cheatin' on kevin with his baby mama.

12:25 pm - 09.20.04



i'm sick, and i miss the mister.

and international calls are ex$pen$ive.

i just took nyquil. goodnite.

12:27 am - 09.20.04



man, it's a beautiful sunny day. there is a slight chill in the air, especially in the shade. it's perfect. fall is around the corner, and i love it.

okay, my kitchen had started to look like a trash heap, so i just came back from taking my recycling in. when i got there, i found that people have started leaving their stuff in big bags on the pavement. i wouldn't be so startled by this if the bags were just full of garbage (because lazy ass people don't recycle, and i can see how they didn't want to take their garbage to the dump and instead dropped it off behind kroger), but these people actually took the time to sort their recyclables, and then when they got to the drop off, they just dumped the shit on the curb. wouldn't somebody who's thoughtful enough to sort their paper from their plastic and etc. be the type of person to sort the stuff into its rightful bin as well? apparently not. i think that's crazy. they're probably the same people that dump styrofoam in the cardboard bin. that makes me angry. when i've taken the time to sort all of my stuff and drive it over there, and then when i go to put my mixed paper in the bin and i see that some jackass has thrown two months worth of plastic bottles in the same bin, i almost go apeshit. if there's too much contamination, the entire bin will have to be thrown away, and that means everyone who took the time to do their part the correct way, mind you, would have done it for nothing. for nothing. i'm not a member of greenpeace or anything, and i'm normally not a complete nazi about this stuff, but dammit, i was pissed off this morning when i saw all of that waste just sitting there. i went through what i could and sorted it myself. if you'd like to know more about recycling rules and whatnot, i've found some good sites. american forest & paper association. recycling rules!. earthshare online. keep america beautiful. if you live in knoxville, and you'd like to start recycling but don't know where the drop off locations are, you can find a list here. thank you.

before the mister left the country, he let me raid his cd collection. i took his cesaria evora cd. i've been listening to it non-stop. she's beautiful. her voice is very husky and sad. it's a really good mix of a folky jazzy sound. too bad she's singing in portuguese. i'd like to know what she's saying.

also, i have found that a ball of yarn is the best cat toy ever! libby played for hours.

12:22 pm - 09.18.04


napoleon my hero

i am going to see napoleon dynamite tonight for the second time. this movie is crazy funny. there will be a big group of us tonight, so we'll be just like those crazy kids in the theater who have already seen this movie six times, making lots of noise and laughing hysterically. okay, anyway, the guy who plays napoleon, jon heder is amazing. i just wonder if he's anything like his character in real life. that's how good he is. on the left you'll see a picture of napoleon. pretty fucked if you ask me. on the right is a picture of jon heder. he's normal looking i guess, but his teeth are out of control big. i think he's also one of those people that walks around with his mouth constantly open with that "uhhh, i'm confused" look. i normally don't like those people. you can hear them breathe through their mouths, and i hate that, especially when i'm sitting in a quiet movie theater and the person next to me is one of them. but i love napoleon. he's my new hero. i don't know where i'm going with this. i will stop.

last weekend, mark and i ran into a friend of his downtown, and mark asked the guy what he had been up to, and he said he hadn't really been doing much, just loitering. i thought that was a funny answer. it's pretty easy to loiter if you've got nothing but time on your hands. kind of like homeless people.

so i was standing in line waiting for the bathroom at the downtown grill & brewery the other night, and these two chicks came up behind me to wait. and the one girl goes, "i like did those walls in there," as she pointed to the ladies room, and the other girl goes, "like you put graffiti on them and shit?" "no, like interior design and shit. i like did a plaster treatment on the wall." "oh." and then we stood in silence. and then the interior designer started doing the pee-pee dance, and she said, in my direction mind you, "i REEEEEALLY have to go!!! i really really really have to go." like i'd let her trashy drunk ass cut line. sheesh. so i went inside the restroom and just took my time. i washed my hands twice. haha. just because i could. so mean. so mean.

so what's up with i &hearts huckabees? this looks really good. does anyone know much about it? aside from seeing the insanely interesting and funny trailer? i want to steal one of the promotional stickers from downtown west. they look cool.

okay, so i had a second interview for the new jobby job job. i think it went really well. if it went as well as i thought it did, then i'll have a third and hopefully last interview next week, and then voila! i'll have it. yay! thanks, dave, for the good wishes.

the mister left for japan on wednesday. me. void. here's to december. cheers.

3:21 pm - 09.17.04


i don't like vette

i have a lot to say about the weekend. i was going to post it all last night, but then a bout of trauma prevented me from doing so. i'm hoping today will be better, and then maybe i'll write something interesting later. i have an interview for a new job position today. yeehaw! wish me luck.

1:49 pm - 09.13.04


go get some pampers for you and your brother, napoleon!

i just walked in on mark's roommate while he was using the bathroom. yay. how embarrassing! for both of us! who takes a crap with the door open when you know your roommate and his girlfriend are in the next room? yes, granted, i should be sleeping now because it is saturday and i didn't go to sleep until 3-ish, but still!

i'm having sleeping problems again, so while the mister snoozes, i'm in here using his fancy computer typing this here entry. "this here," who says that? i'm so country sometimes.

we saw the new and improved emporium building last night. they have built this wonderful space on the lower floors to house art collections. it's quite impressive.

also, i think napoleon dynamite is insanely funny! and, you were right when you said it had that wes-anderson quaility and feel. anywho, the dialogue from this movie is hilarious! i want to see it again.

8:49 am - 09.11.04



! i was on the schedule to work at the vid today, and when i got there, everyone was like, "what are you doing here?" apparently, the boss-man forgot to scratch my name off the schedule when he decided to give this new girl my friday hours. what the fuck?! ... i guess it can be a good thing, too. i mean, it is rather pretty out today. but everyone i know is busy. i don't know if it would be much fun to drive to the mountains by yourself. hmmpf. poopie.

i rented dogville. i've been wanting to see this since it came to theaters, where i totally missed it. but i don't know if i'm up for a lars von trier film this afternoon. they are good movies; however, they always leave a sad, dirty taste in my mouth. the kind of taste that makes you feel like scum just for being human.

i need to go to walgreens to refill a prescription. perhaps i'll just wander up and down the aisles, be tapped with extreme bewilderment when i dare to ask myself a question: just how do they fit all this junk in here? they have everything from penis pumps to motor oil.

bemusement is, too, a word.

1:36 pm - 09.10.04


nursery rhyme. breather.

sitting at home waiting on the mister. drinking a shiner hefeweizen. it's good. it's probably one of my favorites. you should go down to your nearest grocery and buy a six-pack. it's been so slow at work for the past two months that now, when it has finally picked up, i feel as if i've forgotten what it's like to actually do my job. rambling reambling creambling crumbling rumbling rumble. in the bronx. free write. listening to u.n.k.l.e. damon albarn is sexy. in that short british aging-rocker, fuzzy-around-the-edges way.

umm. yes. i just left the apartment for a little while whilst i had this entry going.

listening to neighborhood #3 (power out). the mister is reading the metro pulse in the living room. "some good letters to the editor this week."

working at the vid tomorrow afternoon. actually looking forward to this. through the doors i hear... the music is alright ...

soho bar. oh where, oh where did you go wrong? velvet curtains? paid dancers? forlorn bartender? wrist-bands tight? is an experience to be had. so i says to myself: self! note: chicken was good. note: better to eat with knife and fork, rather than stick! note: jager cheaper than beer. note: guy in wheelchair is totally freaking you out.

editrix. is a. fun. word. yes.

11:29 pm - 09.09.04



i just dreamt i was acting like cherita chen from donnie darko. i kept telling this guy from work to "chut up!" ha. and then i just laughed hysterically. rolling on the floor. yep. the medication i've been taking, taking since april, gives me these crazy dreams. everything from apocalyptic blood baths to personal tragedies to absolute insane mindless entertainment. needless to say, my sleep is a bit fitful these days.

has anyone tried baking with splenda? and does it really work?

there was a free showing of the passion of the christ underneath a bridge off broadway last night. over 400 homeless people showed up. i wonder if they really came for the movie or the free food? ... i hardly ever carry cash on me. the mister thinks i'm crazy, or just too lazy to go to the atm, whichever, same difference. so when some homeless guy down on the strip asks me for some money, i'm telling the truth when i say, "nah, man, i don't have any change." and sometimes they quip back with some crazy shit about how i'm lying to them and etc. that's when i want to go off about how i work to take care of myself, and nothing's handed to me and blah blah blah, but sometimes i guess it's best to save your anger on something more important. what does really make me very angry, and i'm not afraid to show it, is when some bum actually comes knocking on my apartment door for handouts. this has happened three times since i've lived here. and what makes me even angrier is when they make up some sad story about how their sister is in the hospital and they need cash to take a cab to see her because all they have is a bike and the tires or flat. this guy tried to pull this one on me twice, and both instances were about four weeks apart. just tell me the truth. tell me that you're going down to the shell station to buy 40 ounces of malt liquor. i'd respect you a lot more for that. the second time around, i called him on it and told him to get the hell out of my apartment building. ... ask me for a sandwich. i'll make you one. ask me where you can get drug rehab. i'll find a group for you. but don't interrupt my quiet evening at home so you can lie to me on my doorstep.

9:36 am - 09.09.04


leslie is my name

this girl at work is constantly calling me by the wrong name. i normally wouldn't think much of this type of thing because i'm sort of used to people doing this. i've been mistakingly called "lisa" and "lindsey" my entire life, and maybe that's partly my fault, i'm just not very memorable or whatever. bah. anywho, this girl, mia, is always calling me "celeste". now, how she hears the word "celeste" out of the word "leslie", i do not know, but the strangest part about this is that she goes out of her way to say hello. everyday. "hey, celeste! how are you?" "i'm very well, mia. thank you." what the fuck! the craziest part about all of this is that we actually had a conversation about how she can't remember my name. one day, i finally corrected her after she overhead someone say my name, and she got really embarrassed and apologized. well, i guess the embarrassment didn't stick because i'm still "celeste". it's been over a year. i give up. like it matters.

i was named after a little crippled girl my mom saw on the little house on the prairie. when she went into labor, she hadn't yet picked a name for me. my dad had been at a bar drinking, as usual back then, when he heard the news and came rushing to the hospital. in his drunken stupor, he kept coming up with names like "brandy" and "scotch" and "bourbon". yeah, very funny, you fucking dumbass. so my mom had to come up with something on her own, and all she could think about was the little girl in the wheelchair that she saw on tv. and then i was born. i'm thankful that my name isn't "brandy" or "brandi" because how 80's trailer-parkie-trashy does that sound? or how about "candi" or "tammy" or "trisha"? no, i'm quite happy with my name. can you think of any other tasteless, trashy 80's names? let me hear about them.

i heard bryan ferry's "more than this" in the bathroom at work today. it was probably the highlight of my day.

it's going to be a rainy shitbox this entire week. boo. and. hiss.

12:31 am - 09.08.04


phrase book

i've been reading the mister's japanese phrase book non-stop for two days. it's funny. karendaa. calendar. koin rakaa. airport pay locker. terebi. television. toiretto pepaa. toilet paper. so much of it is just a bastardization of the english language, but then, i guess english is just a bastardization of everything else. bebi fudo. baby food. yes. nerdy. me. i plan on labeling everything in my apartment with its japanese related vocabulary. yes.

one may type the word "bastard" with one hand on the keyboard, but if one had abnormally large hands in the first place, then one could probably type just about any word with a single hand anyways. bah.

look at these funny pictures from the olympics, and then look at these stupid nerdy tattoos. and look at these kittens!

12:41 am - 09.07.04


laboy day weekend

yes, everyone was married with children; however, i drank some vanilla vodka with citrus punch, and after a while, i felt like i was fitting right in. i played with the kids mostly. rob rented a moonwalk! we had some fun with that. i was sitting inside the thing with all the kids jumping around, and we were playing games. i'd say, "everyone jump like their favorite animal!" and the kids would take turns doing so. this little girl came up to me, and i said, "what animal do you want to be?!" and she said, "i want to be a boat!" and i said, "you want to be a boat?" and she said, "no! not a boat!!! i want to be a boat!!!" and then she started jumping. this other little girl, age 3, with curly hair and big brown eyes, came up to me afterwards. she cupped her little hand around her mouth and whispered in my ear, "i don't think she knows that boats aren't animals."

yep. and then we took a blanket to world's fair park. we went to lie in the field to see the boomsday fireworks. i don't know of any other city, besides knoxville, that makes such a big deal about labor day weekend. it's actually a bit crazy, i think. ... this entire weekend, with all of the boomsday stuff and the university's first football game of the season being today and labor day being tomorrow, knoxville is like one big drunken orgy, and everyone's wearing orange. yech. my neighborhood is already trashed, and the game hasn't even started.

this morning it was brunch at tomato head. i had the clyde. oh, how i love you! scrambled egg, tomato, lettuce, smoked cheddar, and bacon with garlic butter on toasted wheat. and there was watermelon and grapes and oranges, too.

you know it's been a slow lazy weekend when all i've to write about is food.

tomorrow we're going on a day-hike. wee!

7:37 pm - 09.05.04


4 pm cookout

today, some friends of mark's, rob & christa, are having a birthday party for their little boy, henry. it's his first birthday. it's a potluck sort of cook-out type thing, so i just made some cupcakes. how betty crocker of me! no, but seriously, i love to bake. i even busted out the cake decorating set to make the chocolate icing look pretty and uber-delicious. yes. i said uber-delicious! anywho, the party isn't until late afternoon. we'll get there, and i'll start drinking, and then i'll probably start to feel really self-conscious and begin to think that i need to be sitting at the kiddie table. i'm 23-years-old. every other adult at this thing will be 28 and plus, and they'll all be married with children. i just don't know what to say to people who are married with children. they're like, "(caitlin or morgan or mckenzie) did the cutest thing at dance class yesterday!!!" and i'm like, "really? i woke up around noon and got high and went to the movies." meh. maybe it won't be so bad.

12:06 pm - 09.04.04


to sendai

good god! work was such a bore today! such a bore that i decided to write today's entry on the back of our lovely "wardrobe basic worksheet." trust me, you don't even want to know what that is. i'm a pimp, i tell ya! a lousy pimp! a lousy, lousy pimp of split-neck tees and girls flat-knit tights! five pocket stretch cords and new super sheer panty hose! silk flower pins and ribbed mock turtleneck sweaters! yes, you don't want to know. it's too fucking boring.

so the mister is moving back to sendai, japan in two weeks. ech. i've known that he would be doing this since we first met, which was approximately one year, two months, three days, and two hours from this very moment. yes, approximately! rink! rink! anyways, oh, how i would love to travel with him and be charlotte from lost in translation. oh, how would i love that! but it's not in the cards, kids. i've got to work. i've got to take care of my cat, pay bills, pay rent on this lease. luckily, i've had over a year to come to terms with this separation, so i don't think i'll freak out and shave my head and starve myself and become a recluse or anything. i don't think. anywho, i bid thee farewell until next time, past x-mas. i can't wait for that. i can't.

i was going to write about how i love the red dress shoppe, and how much i wish rob & christa's newly formed indigo in the old city would be affordable like that, but really, no one cares, so i'm not going to bother. bleh.

ANYWHO. i want to start a series of interviews. i just want to interview normal people, no one special in particular. i think everyone's got something interesting to say, provided they're being asked the right questions. the thing is - i want to interview strangers. this will make the process more fresh and lively for me, but i don't know how willing these strangers will be. i guess i could start at the bars. drunk people are normally willing. i just don't know if they'll be able.

i'm such a dork.

the tennessee valley fair starts on september 10th. yeehaw! i ♥ the demolition derby!

9:51 pm - 09.02.04



hello. hello. heylow. halo. meow!

on my way to work today, i drove by a young man walking down the street. he had his right hand fixed in the shape of a telephone, with his thumb at his ear and his pinky at his mouth. he was smiling and talking up a storm. what was he saying? and was he talking back to himself? also, he was wearing a long-sleeved blue plaid flannel shirt with jeans and big black boots. it's the first of september in knoxville, tennessee. he's obviously nuts. yep. it's like the guy i see walking around my neighborhood. he wears black leather chaps with black cowboy boots. he wears long-sleeve button-downs and a turtleneck. he wears black leather driving gloves. always walking, he, too, is a complete nutter.

so zach braff keeps a blog. quite funny. methinks.

okay, okay. this is a picture of the guy who was so drunk when he was driving he and his friend home from a bar, so drunk that when his friend had his head hanging out the truck window, this guy ran him into a telephone pole wire and decapited him. then, with the head on the side of the road, he drove to his house and took a nap inside with the headless body still in the truck. have you heard of this already? i hope so. anyway, here's the latest news from cnn. the family of the victim doesn't want this guy to go to jail. umm.. okay. but all i want to know is what is going on with his hair?!?

11:48 pm - 09.01.04



august humidity makes my face sticky, and the smell of their cigarettes fixes to my face. she doesn't care in her oversized t-shirt. i can't remember if she was wearing pants. why do i care. crooked grins. are you for real. white tube socks that bunch in the curve where the top of your foot meets your ankle. scrunched. nothing matches. paper plates. i kept looking down at my new $1 skirt. new to me. small lines of embroidery. six gores. the lining sticks to my sweaty legs. the flip and the flop of my shoes. i don't think i'll ever be like that. loud. and callous. and then it's just ignorance or forgetting that there's anything else left to learn. ...

and so i'm wearing my favorite buttercream-colored dress. going to the airport to pick up the mister. overjoyed. yes. united. 6803. 1.41. yes.


12:31 pm - 08.29.04



we were at target, and this old man came up to us and told me that i look like enid from ghost world. i don't know what to think about that.

going to a party in the country tonight. more on that later.


oh, and also, i love regina spektor!


6:46 pm - 08.28.04



should i ask the girl upstairs not to play fetch with her dog at 8:30 in the morning everyday, or would that just make me asshole of the year?

11:26 am - 08.24.04


a slight redesign

a slight redesign. though not quite finished. it's 4 a.m. bleh. nite, all.

4:01 am - 08.22.04


van lear rose

i just purchased loretta lynn's van lear rose. this album is amazing. it's produced and arranged by jack white, and he even does a duet with her on one of the tracks, "portland oregon". the music is so sweet and sad and beautiful at the same time. i love it. i think my favorite song is the title track or maybe "high on a mountain top". i normally don't like how country music is all about telling a story, but something makes this album different. it makes me want to listen to some robinella. she reminds me of loretta. i miss those sunday nights at barleys.

so after waking up with a raging hangover, i have to admit that my day didn't get any better until a couple of hours ago. i don't really care to go over the details. it'd sound like a bunch of whiney stupid shit anyways.

we're going to see garden state tonight. yeehaw!

8:00 pm - 08.21.04


and they sucked

feable weiner sucked. i was disappointed. to compensate, i drank way too much at that shitty bar, and then drank even more at another bar, and then i came home and got sick. yay, me!

i passed out and was rudely awakened when i dreamt i was having sex with iggy pop. ugh. iggy's cool, but trust me, you don't want his skinny little penis anywhere near you.

i'll write more later when i'm feeling better.

10:40 am - 08.21.04


the feable weiner

i've been listening to some songs from bj�rk's new album, med�lla. there aren't any instruments. every beat-note-sound is from someone's voicebox. at least i think. it's quite impressive. she's come up with a very haunting, breathy sound. i love it.

and finally! yahoo has the trailer for the life aquatic with steve zissou. i've said it before. i can't wait for this movie. also, i want to marry wes anderson and have his babies.

i have to work at the vid today. like tiffany, i, too, long for the days when all i did was work there everyday. it's much more fulfilling and interesting than selling wool gabardine suits over the telephone to over-privileged, middle-aged white women.

anyway, it's to the vid, and then it's off to see feable weiner. those boys look interesting. i hope the show is "bangin'!" hahahaha. carlos invited me to see sonic youth in asheville with him and a buncha kids tonight, but, oh no, i choose the feable weiner. sonic youth is old, but, as carlos says, at least they're not old AND fat like the pixies. dear frank black, why so fat?


i &hearts tab browsing.

10:20 am - 08.20.04


new guestbook

oh, and i just redesigned my guestbook, so go sign it, biatches!!!

10:37 pm - 08.18.04



yeah, so i got a haircut about a week and a half ago. at first i wasn't too pleased, having separation-anxiety from my hair. also, i thought the little flippy things on the ends kind of resembled little doggie ears when i walked around. boing boing boing. but i've grown into it, and i've started to like it. i guess you need to give any new haircut at least one week before it fully becomes part of you. anywho, the strangest thing is the lack of anyone caring. not that i want people to have an extravagant parade in my honor because i cut my stupid hair, but c'mon, peeps! at least some sort of acknowledgement would be nice. for instance, instead of just staring at me like nothing has changed (ahem, stephen, which you've done three times already, and he's not the only one) you could at least just say it out loud - "leslie, you cut your hair." "yep. yes, i did." if you don't say anything at all, i'm just going to assume that you think it looks like shit, and i'm also going to assume that you think just like me, in that, if you don't have anything nice to say, then you won't say anything at all.

i just took those lame shots of myself with my trusty lil' webcam. i had taken some the day i got the haircut, but after looking at them, i realized that my hair has actually grown quite a bit since. i didn't realize my hair grows so damn quickly. here's one of the older pics. yeah, i always try to turn my head to one side. if i were famous and had my own fragrance, and if it came time to do a print ad for vogue, i'd be just like j-lo or someone or other and ask not to be shot from certain angles. yeah. shameless. me. yeah, anyways, enough about the damn hair. wasn't like anyone wanted to know in the first place. bleh.

have i ever mentioned how much i love living by myself? how much i love coming home and taking my clothes off and lounging, wearing pretty much nothing? i think i have, but i think it's worth mentioning again. i love living by myself. yes. yes, i do.

okay, okay. so here's something amusing. i was getting out of my car today, not really paying any attention to my surroundings, and also, not really giving any thought to how a lady should exit a car when she's wearing a skirt. so i'm getting out of the car, and i turn around and slam the door shut, and then i turn back around and look up, and i see this old man staring at me with this disgusted face, which, by the way, i believe, really did rival the most disgusted face i have ever seen.. kind of like the time i vomited in the hallway at school and the custodian looked at me like i was the filthiest little shit alive. so the old man was just frozen stiff with this nasty disdainful look on his face, and i just kind of stared back at him and walked on by, and then i realized.. i realized my skirt was all hiked up when i was getting out of the car, and i wasn't wearing underwear. yikes! but here's where i'm confused. if he really did see what i think he saw, then why the long face, mister? he probably hasn't seen that much pussy since the summer of 1974. eh, maybe he's a gay priest. maybe? who knows...

i haven't written in here in a while. so sorry. i meant to write in here a few weeks ago when mark and i went to memphis and attended the wedding to beat all other weddings. the champagne never stopped flowing, and they had the best wedding band ever. ever!!! the tyrone smith review. super t!!! we loved it! oh, and we also went to see the wonders exhibit at the pyramid. the masters of florence. it was basically the history of the medici family. it was quite amazing. also, we went to the stax museum, soulsville, usa. memphis is incredibly impressive when you think about how much talent has come out of that city. oh, and of course we went to the rendezvous. best damn ribs in the whole wide world. ... think that's enough linkage for one weekend? we also went to gus's fried chicken, where the special of the day is always chicken. hehe. and then our favorite of all favorites, cafe francisco, where they serve the best sandwich - roasted chicken breast smothered in pesto and topped with melted provolone cheese and sundried tomato, sandwiched between two pieces of buttery focaccia bread. oh... my... god... ! i highly recommend memphis just for the food alone.

i'm such a damn foodie.

oh, and is this for reals? surely not! poo???

oh, and one more thing! i've been trying to finish the second season of six feet under, but it's making me too depressed. i've got one and half more episodes to go, and i don't even know why i bother. fucking claire is always "so, like" grumpy and pissy for no reason. brenda and nate are complete liars to each other and everyone else, and yeah, sure, nate may have this fatal illness, but jesus! and brenda! fucking brenda! she goes out and fucks strangers all the time with no regard or thought given to nate, the man she's supposed to marry. hello!? her crotch has got to be like an std city. also, david! i know you're gay, but do you have to walk around like a rod is a l w a y s up your ass? and their mother! all she does is date these losers! o! and keith! you're so mean to david. i know you shot and killed a man while on duty, and your sister's all doped up and stuff, but why do you have to tell david he's stupid all the time, and why are you acting like a spoiled bitch? if you were my boyfriend and you talked like that to me all the time, i'd slap your face. ... ech.. but i still love the show.. and i'm still going to finish watching the season, and i still wish i had hbo so i could watch every week. yep.

okay. that's enough for now.

7:30 pm - 08.18.04


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