space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


a few thoughts on a few things

i was thinking about all the girls out there named ashley and katie, who, when asked, say their favorite music is death metal, or more simply put, something like snoop dogg. what will happen when they get old? now, i'm not speaking for everyone, but generally, people's musical tastes kind of just stop seeking out new music at a certain point. for instance, my mom still wants to listen to andy williams or anyone who sounds like andy williams. she spends her spare time gardening and making homemade soap, not hanging out at tower records. will ashley and katie do the same? i don't know. "come here, kids. grandma wants you to listen to some oldies. .. bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay. . ." not that i think this is a horrible trend forming here, i just find it very interesting. can't wait to see what happens, and i won't be shocked in the slightest.

i wore my new black sweater to work today. i paired it with a pair of chocolate brown cords. i'm told putting black with brown is a definite no-no, especially in the world of upper-crust, classic, hoity-toity retail that revolves around where i work. before the new black sweater, i'd wear my other black sweater with the brown corduroy trousers, or even my black matte jersey drape neck number, again, with the brown corduroys. i call it my "fuck you, fashion rules are shit," outfit. yes, i know - it's not that daring, but i can still see the gay fashionistas cringe as i walk by. "oh my god, she did not!" yes, i did. the outfit and color combination also reminds me of ally sheedy in the breakfast club. dingy brown hair. black eyes. it's dirty fashion.

thursday it snowed big. well about as big as it can snow here in knoxville. even still, i dragged my ass to work through bad traffic and even worse weather. i was to work a 3:30pm to midnight shift, and wouldn't you know, about 4/5 of those assholes didn't show. there were about 15 people in the whole office building. i thought of lisa with a silent s in toronto and how those people know how to exist and carry on normal lives in the canadian snow. in the end, i felt betrayed by everyone who wasn't brave enough to make the trek into work, so yesterday i called in sick and spent the day with my boyfriend. i deserved it. i risked life and limb for that place on thursday. sorta.

clay came up with a fabulous list for the movies of 2002. i'd love to do the same, but really, i can't even remember all that i saw. i'd have to cheat and look at the huge list that we formed of all the movies we saw during last year, which, by the way, took us weeks to compile. we both suffer from terrible memories, i suppose. anywho, as you all may or may not remember, i keep a second job slaving away at a video store [a store that used to be the sole, meaty content of this diary, but has since subsided, being that i work there only a couple days out of the week now]. this may be a little off the subject, but seeing that clay could only come up with a top five for last year, rather than his normal top ten, i guess it will kind of make sense. see, i used to be really good at figuring out people's tastes in movies, used to be that i could find a movie for almost anyone, and they'd come back saying they enjoyed it. key phrase here: used to be. now, all of sudden, i'm shit at it, absolute crap at it. i know part of this has to do with the fact that i don't work there so much anymore. now i don't have the time to figure out people's likes and dislikes, and most of all, i don't have the time to watch so many movies as before. lately, it seems no matter who it is and no matter what i'm recommending, they either tell me that they saw it already and they thought it was rubbish or that they don't even want to give it a chance because some movie bitch critic in the local newspaper gave it a thumbs down. critics don't like anything anymore, and when they do like something, it's too far above the heads of my customers, which basically means that it's too slow and boring. according to them, it's like we've seen the last of all the good films ever to be made. so i've just started to blame the critics for my failure to match good people with good movies. really, everyone thinks they're a movie critic, even the fucking housewife down the street, "no, i didn't like that about a boy movie. it was just too slow and boring, and i couldn't wait for it to end. anyway, when's that eye see you movie with sylvester stallone coming out?" not that about a boy was the best thing that came out of the year '02, but jesus, lady, get a life.

but i see that i've written an eye-full here, and during it's course, i've consumed three beers, and i'd be lying if i said that my writing didn't seem the least bit slanted and strange to me now. more tomorrow maybe.


12:39 am - 01.20.03


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