space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


break room

this crazy looking lady was standing by the coke machines at work today. she's a temp, i guess, 'cos i've never seen her before. she was digging around in her purse. i got some water from the cooler and left the room.

i went by the newbie board to look at the new-hires. this bulletin board is where the company feels they should embarrass all of the new people by putting their pictures up along with a list of fun little facts. things like i enjoy foodtv, long walks, and decorating. or reading romance novels. or i have two great danes. and etc. i was astonished at how many people already knew who i was on my second day, and then i went on lunch and saw my fucking face on the break room wall. movies, computers, gardening. mind you, i haven't done any gardening in ages, but for some reason i felt compelled to write down something extra corny on the strange little survey that they shoved in front of me on my first day. i think i almost wrote something about taking long walks on the beach.

anyways, i read through all the new ones and realized i had finished my water. break was almost up, and i went back to fill up my mug. the lady was still standing there by the machines digging in her purse. now, quite often i come to work with only a ten dollar bill or something, i will have absolutely no change for the machine, and i, too, will sometimes dig and dig around in my bag for some spare loose bits of change. i'll ask someone if they have change for a five or something, and of course, they all say no. so this lady was still digging around, and i knew i had a purse full of change. last night i stopped off at wendy's on my way home, and the guy working the register ran out of ones and gave me a stack of quarters instead. so i said, "do you need any change? i've got some quarters." and she was all weird and gruff about it and goes, "uhhhh.. .. yeah.. .uuuuh... uhhh.uhh. uh... i could use four quarters." so i handed her the quarters expecting her to hand me a dollar bill in return, and then she goes, "i'll pay you back sometime."

WHOA. okay. i wasn't offering to give you the quarters. i was trying to give you change for a one or something. wow. i've never seen you in my entire life, and you're going to pay me back sometime? keep it, lady.

so that was very strange. freaked me out. i went back to my cubicle all shaking my head and stuff with this really uncertain look on my face.

when clay first started his new job about six weeks ago or so, he used to talk about this stupid temp that was going through some training with him. she had a very scratchy and gruff kind of voice with which she was always saying some kind of stupid crap, and she was always eating in the computer lab and spilling drinks and crumblies all over the place. everyday clay would have some kind crazy story about her bringing ice cream to the training room in an igloo cooler, and then she'd try to eat it during class. needless to say, after a while she quit or got fired, whichever. anywho, i had told my change story to clay later on this evening, and now we're convinced it's the same woman. they have the same kind of appearance and shape and overall general demeanor. our guess is that she's just some stupid bitch making her temping rounds about knoxville.

i don't really care about the dollar. i just feel weird that i gave some stupid lame-o some money. i mean, i don't even give homeless panhandlers on the street whole dollars.

she didn't even say thank you.

3:08 am - 03.11.03


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