space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


clothes rant

why even make a shirt in size large if it only looks good on people who wear size extra small? it's an industry built on wishful thinking.

i have so many pieces of clothing in my closet that i have never worn. for some reason it seems like a good idea at the store, but once i get it home, i look in the mirror, and i go - what was i thinking? you know when your favorite shirt's all worn out and your pants are starting to get all ratty, so you go out shopping for some things, which you don't really enjoy in the first place, and you get to the store, and they're playing loud music, and there are all of these size 0 girls running around, and there are so many lights, and it's really hot, and the cute sales clerks are all up in your business, and you know you should try some stuff on, and you do try on a few things, but then you just end up grabbing some stuff and taking it up to the cash register because you just want to get the hell out of there? does this happen to you, too? jebus, the gap makes me nervous.

so i've started to do most of my clothes shopping off of the internet. this helps me skip the anxiety of shopping at the mall, but still, half of my clothes don't fit. it's not that i buy things too small; in fact, i buy most things too big. i tend to think i'm a lot bigger than i really am. anywho, the internet shopping isn't working either. there is just no sure way of knowing how something's going to work on your body until you try it on. i even know my measurements, and that doesn't even help.

don't trust the little how-to-fit-yourself guides in the back of catalogs, either. i know. i work for a clothing catalog company. i'm sure all the companies strive for the correct fit according to their specs, but you really can't be sure. how can you be sure that the vendor in guatemala is using the same sizing scale that the vendor in italy is using? you don't. the companies don't. we have so many sizing issues where i work. we have to measure every single little thing ourselves because nothing ever ends up the size it was supposed to be.

god, why am i talking about this. end tangent.

i need to get ready. i'm going to meet up with clay. then, we're going over to this lady's house. she's got a cat that she wants to give away. we're thinking of adopting him!!! i've been trying to ask libby [my baby kitty, as i like to call her when i get all mushy], i've been trying to ask her how she feels about having a new brother. she seems pretty indifferent. we'll see.

hur hur.

3:39 pm - 04.29.03


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