space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


more notes on moving

the worst missing items are the cd jewel cases. i had been toting all of my discs around in a couple of folders, and now i've realized that somewhere along the way i have lost quite a few of these. this just blows. i was looking forward to becoming normal like everyone else, and actually storing my cd's in their rightful places, up on shelves for everyone to see.

i need more boxes, but i don't have the time before work to get some. i think i'll go searching on my dinner break.

"as for the new apartment, i have told the realtor lady that i wanted to move in this weekend, but i have yet to get feedback. i don't know if i'll even have the damn key by then. i'm just keeping my fingers crossed. she's just been taking her time with processing my application, and she hadn't even verified my employment the last time i spoke with her, so i got anxious and went ahead and brought over my paycheck stubs to her office yesterday. also, she said that the apartment complex where i live now is giving her the run-around on my rental history. apparently, they were like.. 'we'll get back to you on that,' but, i mean, how hard is it to open up a filing cabinet, look in my file and go, 'yep, she's paid her rent on time.'... how hard is that?? it's really pissing me off. so with hope, i'll have the keys by friday. cutting it close, i know. if i don't get them on friday, then i guess i'm screwed, but what can you do?"

i had written that bit above in an email to mona the other day. luckily, the realtor finally called this morning to give me the go-ahead, so i'll sign my lease tomorrow morning. finally. i was getting a little nervous because i had already reserved a uhaul for saturday, but i still didn't know the for-sures on the apartment. i can stop biting my fingernails now.

as for the uhaul... have any of you driven one of these before??? i wanted the smallest truck they have, the 10', but they didn't have any for saturday, so i have to drive the big 14' truck. they're the same price. that's good, but i'm afraid i'll knock over mailboxes and small children and the whatnot. i've never driven anything like that before. anyway, who knows.. i might actually like it and decide to carry out the rest of my life as a woman trucker. meshback and all.

i need to shower now. i smell funny.

1:39 pm - 07.24.03



bleh. i am tired.

so i've been packing up all of my stuff today, getting ready for the move, and i've slowly started to realize that i'm missing a lot of things. i just don't know where the stuff goes. i guess this is what happens when you move around frequently. maybe i've even thrown out a bunch of stuff over the past year, and i can't remember or something. i dunno. it's crazy.

maybe i'm just tired.

i still haven't even really started on the kitchen. i hate packing dishes. i hate i hate i hate. i can go on and on and on.

and it's past three in the ayem, and i am hungry. damnit.

today was no fun.

3:04 am - 07.24.03


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