space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


i came home from work early today

i sit at my desk at work and write foolish things on little scraps of paper, and then i immediately scratch out the words with my pen. i suppose i'm just afraid someone will come by when i'm away, and they'll find me out, and i'll be embarrassed by my writing.

i decided to write in cursive today. it makes me feel like a girl. my mother calls it "script". i like that word, but when i call it "script", some people don't know what i'm talking about, so i stick with "cursive".. bah.. i'm rambling. so sorry.

but cursive is so time consuming. it takes me forever to jot my thoughts out in cursive.. takes me forever to make the long succession of letters connected at the hips. i have to actually think about what i'm doing. i have this theory... it goes something like this: i don't like people who always write in cursive. wait.. is that a theory? no. it's no hunch. it just is. man-o-man. like when you go to the grocery, and you're in line behind the old lady who refuses to use check cards. she gets out her check book and digs around for her pen and refuses to just borrow the cashier's. she begins by recording the purchase in her ledger instead of just writing the fucking check already. she is writing in cursive. people stare and wish to stab daggers into the back of her head 'cos every one of us is in a hurry. she writes in cursive. very slow and very pretty and very neat cursive. she finally gets to the check, and i peek over her shoulder to see what the hold up is. ahhh... cursive. womanly. curly. frilly. cursive. slow. anal. she licks her fingers in order to get a good hold of the check, and she folds it back and forth and back and forth, so as to loosen the perforation. god, she is old.

so... yeah.. cursive.

7:50 pm - 08.03.03


libby on the window sill

libby is finally adjusting to the move. this place comes equipped with very fine, long window sills, and my cat is in love. she dreams out the window all day, obsessing over the lost-and-gone-forever adventures of a lone housecat. poor puss.

she always smells good.

i had a thought to hook up my webcam and take some shots of her sitting here, but i can't find the damn thing. moving schmoving. how long will my laziness last... before i get too tired of living out of boxes.

12:11 pm - 08.03.03


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