space-oddity's Diaryland Diary



i used a public restroom on campus today, and i couldn't help but read the graffiti on the stall door. i noticed that someone had written in big black sharpie letters, "bora sucks a big cock," and then someone else had taken a ballpoint pen and had scrawled an arrow pointing to the name "bora" and wrote, "you got that right!!!" normally i wouldn't really remember the things that i read on bathroom walls, but i used to date a guy named bora, and, really, how many guys out there are named bora? and how many have gone to this same university? oh, maybe... one... two... nah, probably just one. yeah, so it looks like bora hasn't been so popular with the ladies lately. hmm.. i can't imagine why. strange strange.

i was walking to my car this afternoon, and i ran into red-shoes. he was sitting on a bench reading, and i sort of paused and said, "red-shoes?" and he looked up, and i swear he said, "hey! lindsey! how are you???" it kind of weirded me out that he called me by the wrong name, and being strapped for time, i said, "i'm good. ummm.. i have to run to my car so i can make it to work on time.. i guess i'll see you around." .. yeah. it was a very quick conversation. "yeah, see ya around," he said. it's strange how him calling me by the wrong name kind of struck me funny because after i walked away, it took me a few minutes to even remember his real name. matt. i remember that now, but at the time, i was drawing blanks. i thought of nothing but red-shoes, but he still answered to it, so i guess that's all that matters.

why do i call him red-shoes? well that's another story.

1:42 am - 09.03.03


unbrushed hair

one quick diversion.

do you remember when i didn't brush my hair for about a month, and i had to get someone to help me get out all the knots when i finally wanted to have nice hair again?

what exactly was that? what was wrong with me that month? the world may never know.

i was thinking about this because this morning all i did was grab my tangled wet hair and throw it up in a ponytail/bun/thing. it's still up, and of course it still looks like shit, just as it did this morning.


2:25 pm - 09.02.03


gargling with vinegar

okay. i woke up, and my wish kind of came true. the throat (haha, i just typed "swoat") is not as swollen. i guess that gargling-with-vinegar thing really did work.

okay, the vinegar bit is a lie, but yesterday a guy at work told me that i should come home and try it and that my throat would appreciate me for doing so. it sounded like a bad idea to me. i would have ended up just drinking the stuff. gag.

i have so much crap to do today, and i'm already exhausted. must find caffeinated beverage.

11:06 am - 09.02.03


herringbone tweed

goodness, no! don't start this, me. i'm running around my apartment trying to find anything and everything to keep myself from studying for tomorrow. yes, anything and everything, such as typing this entry.

mark comes back from korea tomorrow. excitement run amuck; however, i am feeling a little strange 'cos i fear that i somehow, via email, turned myself into alex from fatal attraction over the weekend. this is not a good feeling. i need to stop sending emails when i've been drinking. i know where that can lead. nothing too pretty. but alcohol is no excuse for my sorry self.

i took some clothes to a consignment shop today. i traded a few pairs of pants, a skirt, and a couple of tops, none of which remotely fit anymore, and all of which were only worn maybe once or twice before. they gave me forty dollars for the lot, which isn't so bad, but when i think about about how i never really wore the stuff to begin with and how much i had been willing to blow on the items at the time of purchase, it made me a little sad, but they were just collecting dust in the closet, soo.. i guess i should stop my complaining. so goes the life of a closeted clothes horse.

warning. girl rant. so i went into the mall today to visit my guilty pleasure. i think they've started to recognize me and my penchant for spending way too much money on their over-priced clothing. they single me out and attack. i was molesting this beautiful wool herringbone skirt that they had laying on one of the sales tables, and the girl said, "oh my god, isn't that tweed skirt gorgeous!? i bought it for myself. i just had to have it. tweed is going to be so big for fall.".. and then i got all matter-of-fact like and said, "oh, really? that's nice to know because i already have a tweed skirt. what i'm really looking for is a nice herringbone skirt.".. and then she just looked at me puzzled. tweed is not herringbone. there is such a thing as a herringbone tweed, but this skirt was not... just straight up black and ivory herringbone. i hate to say it, but my job is turning me into a clothes snob. that said, my behavior today disgusts me. why did i snap like that over a fucking skirt? good god. /girl rant.

i need to get to work.

12:44 am - 09.02.03


throat swollen. not well.

i'm feeling pretty icky. my throat is swollen, and i think there's some germy stuff growing back there. i don't know if anyone has eaten after me or sipped from my beer or anything lately, but if you have, you may want to check yourself.

i am serious, kids. i am not well. i keep hoping i'll wake up the next day, and it will be gone, but i've been thinking this for two days now, and it's just getting worse.

just wanted to give you the heads up.

7:22 pm - 09.01.03


updating from work again

updating from work.

someone was kind enough to retire their stash of "us magazine" to my desk. i've been reading about j.l* and ben and cam and justin and the whatnot and the whonot. all so very trivial, but it has been boring around here today, and i am without anything else to read. shame.. however, i must admit that i do feel some sort of guilty pleasure when i see not-so-nice fat and unkept photos of celebrities. we all do. it's the maybe-the-grass-is-not-always-greener kind of thing, you know? yeah.

my diary used to be totally off limits at work. i have always assumed that someone would find me out if i started checking dland or updating from work, but i'm at the who-cares point. i mean, it's not like everything in here isn't already incredibly vague.

i have a phone call.. i have to go.. it's my mom.

6:42 pm - 08.31.03


smoking out of boredom

the other day, during the infamous bomb threat at work, i bummed a cigarette from one of my co-workers and smoked that thing out of, what i now believe to be, boredom. this is not a good sign. must.. not.. make.. smoking.. a.. habit.. ever... even if i am bored eternally.

wednesday night, while feeling very feminine, i painted my toenails. i wished that i had the time to give myself a facial and draw a bath and sit and soak for hours with salts and oils.

yesterday i walked around with a hole in my shirt and didn't realize it until about midnight. i happened to look out of the corner of my eyes as i walked by the bathroom mirror, and there was this little hole on the right side of my back. why hadn't anyone told me? it was very visible. surely they didn't think i was wearing the shirt-with-the-hole with a purpose. am i grungy like that? i don't think so. if only i could have met myself yesterday, i would have told myself about the hole. if you've got a crusty on the end of your nose, i'll tell you even if you're a stranger. i'm that kind of person. i guess there aren't too many of us walking around.

i was sitting in perkins hall, and i was reading the notes on the chalkboard from the class before. they had been hastily erased, so i could still read what had been written... and i thought about how writing in all caps reminds me of you.

1:15 pm - 08.29.03


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