space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


it snowed today. just briefly.

With the start of the new year, I have begun a new position at the real estate agency, where I have been working since the beginning of October. I started out as the receptionist. Nice gig. Part-time. No stress. Just enough to get my foot in the door. With a promise of full-time in the future. Now I am the head broker's assistant. Sounds fancy. Not really. Okay. Actually, it doesn't sound that fancy, but it's a lot more fancy-sounding than receptionist. Anywho, it's really not fancy. But it's a great opportunity. And I am learning loads & loads about real estate, which is good knowledge to have because real estate will never go out of style. People will always need to buy a home. There will always be property to sell. No matter what city. So. Yeah. My boss may actually end up sending me to get my real estate license. He'd pay for it all. Even my dues. It's nice. I am enjoying this chapter of my life. It's still not a college degree. It's still not something that makes me completely passionate. But I like it enough. It's good. It's better than being a fucking shift manager at a catalog sales call center. By leaps & bounds better.

Also. I can ride my bike to work. Also. I work Monday thru Friday. Also. I am completely autonomous. Also. I work with really nice people. Also. I live so close to the office I can come home on my lunch break and curl up on the sofa and take a nap or watch teevee or play with my kittycat and eat leftovers - I know that doesn't sound like much, but to have a break like that in the middle of the day means a lot to me.

. . . and if a double-decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die, and if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side, well the pleasure, the privilege is mine. . . . there is a light that never goes out. There is a light that never goes out . . .

Sorry. I broke into some Morrissey for a second. So sorry.

Man, I don't really have anything else to write about. Nope. Nothing. Oh. Wait. I ordered a basket for my bike. It's to go on the rear. It's double-sided so's I can go grocery shopping and whatnot. I am insanely giddy about this! I will post a pic with the new accessories attached as soon as the order comes in. I am turning into such a bike geek... and so depressed that the weather has been a little less than extraordinary lately. Bums me out. Bums. me. out. But then there's spring.

It snowed today. Just briefly. I love that little bit of excitement that runs through my head when I see snowflakes. It's very fleeting, but it's there nonetheless.

9:45 pm - 01.17.06


hip hip

I thought that looked weird. Hippie. Not. Hippy.

11:19 pm - 01.02.06


Three bras & a staple gun

And the sickness continues. Actually, as it always is in the end, I sound a lot worse than I feel. Coughing up lung-matter here & there. But really I'm fine. I sound like the male version of Kathleen Turner. No, really, I feel fine! And as I curled up in bed last night, I prayed for sleep. And as I nearly drifted to it, every single time, I coughed myself awake. At five-thirty in the ayem enough was finally enough, and I slipped on my house shoes. And I put on The Mister's navy blue sweatshirt. And I turned off the alarm. And I got my keys. And I went to my car. To get my cough drops. From the passenger seat. Where I had left them. Last week. When it wasn't so bad. Still. The sickness lingers. I HATE BEING SICK. In all caps. I HATE.

And then I read the internets. And drank my coffee. Until it was time for work.

Yeah, our house has been hit hard with the germies. We stayed in for New Years. He slept on the sofa. And not that I felt it would be good for my ailments, but I smoked a bowl and drank seven&sevens and watched a movie called Happy Endings, which isn't really anything I find particularly memorable.

But really, I was fine! Last Thursday, I came home from work early, and took a nap. I woke up feeling back to one-hundred-percent. I took a bike ride, and I cooked dinner, and I was feeling so fine that we decided to go down to Beale Street to see Galactic. To drink. To dance like a hippy. To breathe all of their smoke. And even though they're sort of a funky jam band, and I'm not normally one for jam bands, I had a grand time. But Friday morning came. And then this. My body had lied to me, and I was sicker than I had been before. Three-fold.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Germs.

Anyways, despite my illness, I still managed to get out a little this weekend. Actually, by Sunday I was going absolutely crazy, and I just couldn't stand being in the house any longer. I went out and bought three bras and a staple gun.

No. The one has nothing to do with the others.

8:33 pm - 01.02.06



I woke up this morning kind of late and directly jumped into the shower so I could get ready for work. I take hot showers, but they're never so hot that I feel like passing out as soon as I get in, which is how I felt this morning. I stopped the water, and sat down on the edge of the tub, and everything was blacking out, and I could hear ringing in my ears. I have felt this before, and this happens when a.. I'm about to faint because I'm smoking pot while I'm on my period (yeah, it's this weird thing that my body does) or b.. I have a fever, and I'm so fucking hot my body can't handle it. I tried to regroup and finish my shower, and then I took my temperature, and it was 101. Ugh. I hate this. I hate being sick. I feel like ass, and all I can do is sit around and feel like a lazy shit and have The Mister wait on me. I went into work for about 45 minutes, and then I came straight home. It got up to 67 degrees today (I know! Craziness!), and I couldn't even ride my bike to work like I had, too sick.

OH! THE BIKE! Ladies & gentlemen, I introduce to you Hot Mama.

I got a new Schwinn Cruiser 3 for Christmas! The picture above is actually a 4-speed. For some reason, I cannot find a picture of my bike on the internets, but mine basically looks the same as this one, except it's a 3-speed. Oh, and she's a girl bike, so her frame is a little different. But she is perfect for Midtown Memphis cruising. I love it! If I weren't so sick today, I would have gone to pick out a basket for her at the bike shop. Maybe tomorrow.

Christmas night we all went out to Newby's for the annual bash with Super T & the Tyrone Smith Revue. I worked that body and shaked my ass and got silly drunk. Fun times, kids. Anywho, Super T is the man. Hot, young college girls were practically throwing pussy at him. Crazy. Yeah. Hot, young college girls. I'm only 25 but when I go to a bar near the University that is filled with a bunch of undergrads, I feel old. I really, really do.

Man, The Mister is going out tonight to hang out with some friends in town for the holidays, and I'm stuck at home with the crud. No fun. NO FUN. I think I might have to make a party of my own. It's called getting-drunk-on-the-sofa-by-myself .. and passing-the-fuck-out .. because I-already-took-some-Nyquil.


So what are y'all doing for New Years?

8:27 pm - 12.27.05


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