space-oddity's Diaryland Diary


i'm a gladiator!

oh, and i forgot to mention that the ozzy osbourne look-a-like we saw at karaoke one time was also at the emergency room tonight. i wonder what was going on there. i guess pretending to be the singer from ac/dc really can be hazardous. that, and being an alcoholic.

also, and this has nothing to do with anything else that i've mentioned today, but yesterday at work i was speaking with this woman on the phone, and at the same time she was yelling at her kid to take his underwear off of his head. she kept saying, "those are dirty. take them off of your head!" and i could hear him say, "i'm a gladiator!" and then she'd go, "gladiators wear helmets, not underwear!" and then he got really close to the phone and said, "look at my face! I'M EVIL!!!" and at that point, i completely lost it. kids are great.

3:32 am - 06.18.03


e r

i went with mark and clay to get pizza before i had to go to work tonight, and clay took some vioxx while we were eating. he was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome yesterday, and they gave him arthritis medication to ease the pain. anywho, all of sudden his heart starting racing, and he was having trouble breathing. just to be safe, he decided to go to the hospital, and mark and i drove him. it was fucking scary for a little while. turns out he took twice the recommended dosage; he was told to take too much. we were at the emergency room for a couple of hours. his heart is still a little racy, but he's okay. i had to call into work and tell them i couldn't make it. i feel really bad about that because yesterday i was almost two hours late. yeah, i was a complete jackass yesterday. i forgot to set my alarm. i try to tell myself that it doesn't really matter 'cos in both cases i missed overtime hours, not my normal shift, but still, i had dedicated myself to work those particular hours, and when i didn't show up, i know i just fucked up the entire staffing situation. i feel really guilty about it. i think the worst part is that i feel that they don't believe me when i call in with a valid excuse like .. i had to take clay to the emergency room.

oh well. fuck it. can't do anything about it now.

we came home, and i decided to utilize my night off. i saw some people drinking on tv, and decided to break open a bottle of rum i've had sitting on the counter and hadn't touched in over a year. it's good. crazy how suggestive images really do work.

11:51 pm - 06.17.03


the county clerk is a bitch

today is my semi-day off. i still have to go into work at 8 p.m., but i'm only working until midnight. wee! i had planned to go to the county clerk's office this afternoon to get new tags for my car, though i wasn't quite sure about what to bring. when i bought my car last year, i was immediately given tags for another county, the county where the dealership is, and even though i live(d) in another county, i suppose that's just how things are done. also, i failed to call in to report that i've had a change of address, so i was not sent a renewal form for my tags through the mail. i didn't know if i needed to bring some kind of proof of residency or proof of insurance or whathaveyou. see, i'm clueless about these things, and i imagine many people are clueless about these things. it's not everyday that you have to do these weird government type registration things. there isn't a class that they give for this, and there isn't a lot of available information on the subject, i.e. a not-so-informative site. so i wasn't sure. so i called. and i called. more than half of the motor vehicle registration numbers, all for different branches in the city, were either disconnected, hooked up to a fax machine, or ringing off the hook. well, damn. finally, a real person answered one of the phones. it was like a gang of thugs had taken over the clerk's office or something 'cos this guy sounded like he was more suited to sell me a dime bag rather than a car tag. so i went on to ask what i'd need to bring into the office in order to get the proper registration, and he goes on to talk to me like i'm a complete moron. and you know, times like those, i take the conversation and replay it over and over in my head, and i wasn't sounding like a moron at all. i was asking perfectly valid questions, and i wasn't being a bitch about it, and besides, who else am i supposed to ask?? i hate being treated like this. after that, i decided to wait and go tomorrow to get the fucking tags. i couldn't deal with actually going to the office today. i have experienced too much trauma for one day. i guess i can't deal with mess very well.


3:34 pm - 06.17.03


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